Editors: Stanislav Dovgyi, Oleksandr Trofymchuk, Vasyl Ustimenko, Larysa Globa
The book covers the most important areas of research in information and communication technologies, their impact on the e-society, sustainable environmental development, namely analytics, security, geographic information systems and mathematical modelling. The research includes a discussion of artificial intelligence in various spheres of society, the practical implementation of information and computing technologies, geographic information systems and remote sensing.
The book is devoted to improving service delivery, system architecture for software-configurable networks, forecasting social and environmental sustainable development based on the global information space, and a new approach to radio electronics systems for the implementation of a new cloud infrastructure. The book is intended for specialists of research organisations, management of state administrations dealing with sustainable development of society, professors, lecturers of higher education institutions, doctors of technical sciences, students, bachelors and masters.