The Dissertation Council ДФ 26.255.008, formed in accordance with the order of the Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine № 22-s of July 04, 2024, for the defense of the dissertation of Roman Butii on the topic: “Modeling and methods of effective processing of cyclic signals in neurointerface and cardiac diagnostic systems” in the field of knowledge 11 – Mathematics and Statistics, specialty 113 – Applied Mathematics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

Chairman of the Council – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Iurii Kaliukh, Chief Researcher of ITGIS NASU.

Members of the Council:

  • Dr. Volodymyr Vasianin, Head of the Department of Applied Informatics of ITGIS NASU (reviewer);
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yaroslav Lytvynenko, Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (official opponent);
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Roman Iuzefovych, Head of the Department of Methods and Means of Selection and Processing of Diagnostic Signals, Karpenko Institute of Physics and Mechanics, NASU (official opponent).
  • Nadiia Marchenko, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Computerized Control Systems, National Aviation University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (official opponent).


The Order on the establishment of a one-time IRB DF 26.255.007 is available here:

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The dissertation will be defended on 8 August 2024 at 13:00 at the address: 13, Chokolovsky Boulevard, Kyiv, 03186, 701, room 701, via video conference on the Youtube platform.
