Authors: Ermakov V.M., Yakovlev E.O., Chumachenko S.M., Petruk V.G., Dyatel O.O. Karpenko M.I., Lubenska N.O.

The monograph summarises the results of research aimed at the development and implementation of technologies for ensuring environmental and industrial safety, methodological foundations of environmentally safe technologies in post-mining during the liquidation of coal mining enterprises in Ukraine. The article considers issues related to the violation of the hydrogeological regime of coal mining regions; contamination of ground and surface waters by mineralised mine waters; alienation of territories for the placement of waste heaps and other wastes; deformation, subsidence and flooding of the earth’s surface above mine workings during the liquidation of coal mining enterprises. The article presents the development of an information system for monitoring methane (environmental parameters) in the zone of influence of potentially hazardous objects in Donbas, a methodology for making managerial decisions to ensure compliance with environmental legislation during the liquidation of coal mines. A set of environmental protection technologies has been developed to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment and solve environmental problems in the coal mining regions of Ukraine.

The monograph is intended for a wide range of engineering and technical staff of the coal and energy industries, research and design organisations. It can be useful in the educational process on post-mining issues in higher education institutions in mining and environmentally oriented specialised disciplines.

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