Authors: Trofymchuk O. M., Trysniuk V. M., Anpilova E. S., Butenko O. S., Vyshniakov V. Y., Zagorodnia S. A., Klymenko V. I., Klochko T. O, Krasovska I. G., Kreta D. L., Mirontsov M. L., Okharev V. O., Popova M. A., Radchuk I. V., Trysniuk T. V., Sheviakina N. A., Shumeiko V. O.
A comprehensive assessment and forecasting of the state of aquatic ecosystems of Ukraine on the basis of expeditionary experimental studies in 2009-2020 was carried out. The ecological state of environmental components – geological environment, geophysical fields, geomorphosphere, hydro- and atmosphere, soil and vegetation, fauna, technosphere and demosphere in the studied areas – is analysed. The monograph describes remote monitoring methods, mathematical modelling, forecasting and assessment of the intensity of anthropogenic pressure on limnological systems. For scientists, government agencies and organisations, environmental protection and policy makers, students, postgraduates, and doctoral students.