The Head of the Department of Environmental Research, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vasyl Trysniuk and Senior Researcher of the Department of Applied Informatics, Candidate of Technical Sciences Taras Trysniuk took part in the Ninth International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Subsoil Use in Ukraine. Investment prospects’.

The conference addressed the issues of increasing the role of subsoil use in Ukraine, development of international cooperation on subsoil use, solving issues of attracting investments in the mineral resource complex of the state, exchange of experience in geological study and use of subsoil; discussion of topical issues of the geological industry in the time of Russian aggression and identification of new areas of scientific research.

The Institute’s scientists made presentations on Geoinformation Modelling and Management of Environmental Challenges during the Russian-Ukrainian War, Aerospace Technologies for Assessing Territorial Pollution in Connection with Mineral Resources Development.