“Innovation is well-organized, rational, and systematic work” – P. Drucker
Employees of the department
Acting Leading Researcher

Vadym Kaptur
Research Assistant

Roman Butsii
Research Assistant

Oleksii Kuprin
Part-time employees of the department
The main directions of scientific activity
- development of methods for designing and modeling ontologies for educational purposes;
determination of means of access to information resources and existing knowledge systems in the information environment; - creation of means to support various forms of interaction of subjects of the educational process in the information environment;
- study of current trends in the construction and use of network tools and resources, their impact on the development of educational space and educational technologies;
- creation of means for the formation of electronic platforms for students, teachers and experts in the intellectual information environment for educational purposes;
- determination of methods and means of categorization and identification of thematic characteristics of knowledge flows used in the educational process;
- research aimed at organizing the education of gifted children and promoting the development of their talents in the learning process;
- research on telecommunication technologies for building next-generation networks in terms of implementing addressing systems with variable network address size and filtering systems for inappropriate content;
- information and analytical technologies for supporting the activities of public authorities;
- democratization of social and governmental relations, formation and development of partnerships between public authorities and civil society;
- new information technologies to support the activities of public authorities;
- new computer tools and technologies for informatization of society;
- processes related to the system of power relations in Ukraine;
- studying and generalizing the experience of using information technologies by public authorities in the USA, Poland and Scandinavian countries;
- regional development policy.
Results and achievements
- Methods for designing and implementing access to information resources based on the use of their semantic properties have been developed.
- The means of forming a theme-oriented ontological interface have been developed. The technology of integration of information systems based on the use of ontological interface tools is created.
- The theoretical foundations and implementation program of the addressing system with variable network address size were developed, which allows to increase the data transfer rate and reduce the load on the hardware component of telecommunication networks.
- Organizational, technical, and software solutions were developed to create systems for filtering external information and restricting access to inappropriate content in corporate and industry networks of educational institutions, government agencies, research institutions, etc.
- A model of the basic principles of the state information and communication policy to solve the problem of forming a single information space of Ukraine is built.
- The vectors of the modern model of interaction between public authorities and the local self-government system are formed.
- A model of information and communication interaction between central and local authorities has been developed.
- The system of organization of power, built on the foundation of structural and functional autonomy of government structures, is defined.
- The interaction between central, regional and local authorities in Ukraine is modeled.
- Perspective ways of development of power relations through information influence are predicted.
- Scientific, methodological, information and communication support for school education has been developed, the main purpose of which is to improve the conditions of learning activities, stimulate research activities and reveal the creative potential of students, taking into account age characteristics, natural inclinations and scientific interest. The system provides opportunities for determining the level of knowledge of students in academic disciplines, developing motivation in the process of independent learning, establishing interdisciplinary connections, storing large amounts of theoretical materials, and working with interactive museum exhibits.
- A unique system has been developed that makes it easy and quick to make an inventory at the enterprise and ensures automatic maintenance of relevant documents in accordance with state standards. Asset accounting is performed in a single unified database that can be used simultaneously by several responsible persons with different access levels.
- A modern platform for scientific and educational programs has been developed, which is designed for distance learning or staff development. Implementation of the platform is the best solution for: highly specialized educational institutions; private and public training companies; and foreign language learning centers.
- The system will provide conditions for training more students/employees, reduce the cost of organizing the educational process, ensure freedom, flexibility and mobility of each participant, individuality of learning and accessibility of education.
- An automated account management system has been developed that provides conditions for creating and distributing accounts of the proposed software. The system was created to simplify the procedure for selling and distributing software and provides opportunities for centralized use of the developer’s software code by creating copies of accounts with the parameters and settings of the program already specified.
- A unique system has been developed to accumulate, store, systematize and display electronic materials categorized and endowed with certain characteristics. The main purpose of the system is to provide convenient user access to materials, create virtual groups or categories of materials united by common properties, and provide semantic search for information.
- The Full HD 3D online video broadcasting technology was developed, which ensures the organization of high-quality broadcasts of conferences, forums, exhibitions and other scientific events online with support for CD video stream.
- The system provides for the object’s CD video recording, capture and conversion of the video stream into the appropriate format, its computer processing and transmission to the server with subsequent broadcasting on the Internet. Using this system, the user realizes the effect of the “virtual presence” of the object, which provides high quality and reality of the video and ensures the transmission of the image in real time.
- The conceptual foundations of information and technological support for the activities of public authorities and its impact on the level of democratic governance are determined.
- The classification, typologization and identification of common and individual features of modern world information and analytical technologies for supporting the activities of public authorities are carried out.
- The possibilities of approximation of the American and European experience of information and technological support of public authorities in Ukrainian conditions are verified.
- The basic concepts for the introduction of the latest information technology mechanisms and models of public authorities in the context of democratization of social development are identified.
- The main directions of improvement of information and analytical technologies for supporting the activities of public authorities using the Internet environment and partnership forms of information interaction between the government and civil society institutions are highlighted.
- Practical recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for the regulation of public relations in the process of information technology support of public authorities in Ukraine are developed.
- The peculiarities of public administration of information and communication processes are formed.