“Nature must be approached respectfully and slowly if you want to achieve anything from it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Department Head

Employees of the department

Chief Researcher

Chief Researcher

Senior Research Officer

Senior Research Officer

Senior Research Officer

Senior Research Officer

Senior Research Officer

Senior Research Officer

Research Officer

Part-time employees of the department

Chief Researcher

Oleksandr Nakonechnyi

Leading Researcher

Leading Researcher

Leading Researcher

Oleksandr Nesterenko

Leading Researcher

Ihor Boiko

Senior Research Officer

Main directions of scientific activity

  • assessment of the ecological state and hazardous changes in the geological environment in the natural and man-made state;
  • development of analytical models of mine flooding, flooding of territories and industrial and urban agglomerations;
  • assessment of environmental and geological hazards and risks, assimilation potential of the geological environment;
  • development of methods for determining the maximum permissible changes in the ecological state and permissible loads on the geological environment in the structure of anthropogenic geological systems;
  • analysis, modeling, forecasting and assessment of reliability and safety of hydraulic structures and energy facilities;
  • forecasting the state and assessing the impact of hydraulic structures on the environment; development of theoretical and methodological principles of rational use of natural resources;
  • development of new methods of remote environmental monitoring using remote sensing technologies and satellite image processing;
  • development of information technologies for decision support to ensure rational use of natural resources and prevention of emergencies; creation of regional geographic information systems for environmental safety, natural resources management and environmental protection;
  • studying the processes of man-made pollution of the atmosphere, water and land resources;
  • assessing the risks of emergencies in the areas of mineral resources extraction and other objects of high environmental hazard.

Results and achievements

  • An additional “aftershock” component of the increase in the local seismic risk of structural damage arising on flooded loess loamy subsidence soils, which is not taken into account by current methods, was identified and mathematically described;
  • a regional assessment of the potential threat of destruction of chemically hazardous facilities with more than 50% depreciation of fixed assets in the area of increased seismicity, areas of possible chemical damage from possible seismically induced accidents at such facilities with emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere, and the probable number of victims was carried out;
  • a set of typical models of technogenically overloaded river basins, surface air pollution in the zones of influence of natural and anthropogenic geosystems (NAGS) of complex structure (linear, longitudinal, spatially distributed, etc.) using remote sensing data were developed on the basis of GIS;
  • electronic maps of the increased risk of destruction of structures in the studied regions were developed, taking into account the local natural and anthropogenic increase in seismicity according to previous studies of Ukrainian geologists in three versions: maximum (total natural and anthropogenic increase), minimum (anthropogenic component of the total increase) and average (in ArcMap 10.0);
  • A new method of forecasting based on empirical data using situational and inductive regression models was developed. A method for ranking emergency events at hydroelectric power plants by significance within the framework of a scenario approach to accident prediction and risk assessment using the Bayesian probability transformation was developed;
  • the leading factors of ecological and geological risk of shale gas exploration and production in the conditions of the Eastern Ukrainian and Western Ukrainian oil and gas basins were identified (testing the experience of commercial shale gas production in the United States);
  • directions of improvement of ecological and technogenic monitoring of developed mining areas of Donbas, Kryvbas, Carpathian region are substantiated, taking into account the impact of new mining and geological phenomena caused by the intensification of dangerous processes of flooding of mines and quarries, deformations of the day surface, manifestations of man-made earthquakes and terrorist actions;
  • the dependence of the intensity of local erosion of channel flows on the angle of location and height of the bottom obstacle was constructed, and the modes of the most intense bottom erosion were identified;
  • information technology for space-based monitoring of anthropogenic pollution of territorial waters of Ukraine was developed using the tools of the ARG GIS geographic information system;
  • a computer modeling methodology for designing and analyzing the functioning of multi-product hierarchical communication networks with discrete parameters and flows was developed. To manage nonlinear and non-stationary processes of processing and distribution of discrete flows, the following are proposed: mathematical models, methods, algorithms and a set of experimental software for solving problems of current planning of network functioning, aimed at optimizing the use of its available resources and forming the basis-core of mathematical tools for solving problems of operational management and long-term development.