“The task of a human being is to provide the greatest possible benefit to others.” – Vernadsky
Employees of the department
Senior Research Officer

Larysa Zotova
Part-time employees of the department
Chief Researcher

Yevhen Nykyforovych
Senior Research Officer

Lidiia Horoshkova
Senior Research Officer

Viacheslav Vyshniakov
Senior Research Officer

Viktor Shumeiko
The main directions of scientific activity
- development of a computerized system of environmental safety with correlation of population morbidity with the ecological state of all environmental components and forecast of natural and technological hazards of regional and national scale;
- studying the processes of anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere, water and land resources and creating cartographic models of the territories;
- assessment of the ecological state of protected areas by means of geoinformation technologies based on the creation of multi-level information and analytical systems;
- development of a methodology for inventorying waste disposal sites and assessing their impact on adjacent territories and public health using geoinformation technologies and remote sensing;
- research, assessment, analysis, modeling and forecasting of limnological systems of Ukraine in the context of increasing anthropogenic pressure;
- development of scientific bases and principles of comprehensive assessment and forecasting of anthropogenic pollution of the marine environment of the Azov-Black Sea region based on remote sensing-GIS technologies;
- electrometry of oil and gas wells to increase hydrocarbon production;
Results and achievements
- a methodology for building geographic information models to detect anomalies of various origins was developed and practically implemented;
- local space monitoring of limnological systems was analyzed and depth maps of a number of lakes in Ukraine were developed;
- factual and cartographic models of anthropogenic load on water bodies were created, in particular, the patterns of eutrophication and bottom formation were established with a simultaneous combination of contact and remote methods;
- the information base of the system for monitoring protected areas was formed based on the integrated use of contact methods and current trends and capabilities of remote sensing/GIS technologies;
- spatial modeling of pollution of the main components of the environment by composite waste was carried out on the example of Kyiv region, information technologies for landfill inventory were developed;
- Remote sensing/GIS technologies for cartographic support of decisions on management of protection of territorial waters and marine economic zones, and the environment in the coastal regions of the Azov and Black Seas from negative impacts on their sustainable state of natural and man-made factors, as well as planning of measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergencies were created and implemented;
- a subject-oriented software and technological complex for processing satellite images of marine areas was developed;
- vector maps of the depths of the Black and Azov Seas were created and cartographic models of the impact of natural factors – river runoff and coastal abrasion – on the ecological state of Ukraine’s territorial waters were synthesized;
- developed, implemented and put into production software and methodological software for research and development of geophysical instrumentation, which has no analogues in Ukraine.